Exercise Fits Kids
Foundation, Inc.
"Created by Kids for Kids"
About Us
Exercise Fits Kids Foundation, Inc. was founded in 2006 to combat obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in children. Our purpose is to promote positive healthy behavior changes in children ages 5-17 through physical fitness, nutritional enrichment, and education.
Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is a vital part of a healthy balance for children and adolescents! The Department of Health and Human Services recommend moderate or vigorous aerobic activity 1 hour a day at least 3 times a week. Research has also proven physical fitness reduces anxiety, stress and poor mental health!
Medical research report today 40% of our children and adolescents are overweight or obese! Simply, train up a child in the way he should go and he will practice healthy choices that will last a life time! Children and adolescents can only eat what adults or caregivers provide so adults let’s set a excellent example and choose wisely!